Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mud River

I think I am supposed to write in some numbers.  The info reads 1/100 7.1 in the upper left corner, 101-0086 in the upper right corner,  and 73/147 in lower left corner.  I have no idea what these numbers mean. The first time I looked at this photo on the computer, it appeared blury.  In fact all of my photos appeared blury and I thought that I had wasted a lot of time that day.  I went out again and took some more photos and when I loaded them on computer to look at the new photos and all of the previous photos appeared much clearer.  I have no idea what I did to make them appear blury.
 I took this photo while standing on a bridge located at the intersection of James River Turnpike and West Mud River Road that spans the Mud River in Milton, WV.  I liked that the horizon was reflected in the water.  It was cloudy that day, but the clouds seemed to have filtered the light so that the images in the water were much clearer than on a sunny day.  I know this because thnking the picture was blury, I went back a second day to try and recapture the image but the sun was out and made images in water not as defined.